
Here we provide thematic overviews of the latest evidence on child marriage and what works to end it, as well as practical guidance on how to use this in your work. Each page includes a selection of briefs, fact sheets, toolkits and other leaning products on child marriage, as well as guidance on advocacy, youth activism and fundraising.

Child Marriage Research to Action Network

The CRANK is a joint initiative and platform for a coordinated global research agenda on child marriage, and to encourage the uptake of research by policy makers and practitioners.


We want to see local and national governments, regional bodies, and global institutions direct money and resources towards ending child marriage. We advocate for child marriage laws, policies and programmes that empower girls and their communities. We want them to be well-financed, comprehensive, and multi-sectoral.


Ending child marriage requires long-term, sustainable funding. Yet there is currently not enough available, and it can be particularly hard for community-based and national organisations to access it.

Youth Activism

Resources, tools and information for young activists, member organisations, civil society actors and donors to support and promote meaningful inclusion of youth in the collective efforts of the Partnership to end child marriage.

Child Marriage Learning Partners Consortium

The Child Marriage Learning Partners Consortium was created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to foster more strategic and effective action to end child marriage by connecting research

Child marriage and gender

Information and resources on the two-way link between child marriage and gender equality. Also learning, tools and evidence on what works to transform the power dynamics that drive child marriage.

Child marriage and education

Keeping girls in school is one of the best ways to prevent child marriage. Child marriage limits girls’ access to quality education.

Child marriage and health

Child marriage has devastating consequences for girls' health. Explore here key facts and insights on the links between child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, gender-based violence, female genital mutilation/cutting, HIV

Child marriage and humanitarian contexts

An overview of the key facts, drivers and consequences of child marriage in humanitarian contexts, and recommendations on how to prioritise girls and end the practice in times of crisis.